Parent Handbook 

A guide to the school's routines and organization 


In an effort to ensure the safety of our students in the school environment, we insist that all parents/visitors to our school register at the school office on arrival. This includes situations such as:

a) bringing children to school

b) delivering lunches, materials or messages to staff or students

Unless prior arrangements have been arranged with a teacher, parents and visitors must not enter the school beyond the office area, including entry and dismissal time. A

Please plan to pick up your child prior to 3PM if an early dismissal has to occur.

Signing A Student In And Out

All students leaving or returning during the school day must be signed in and out at the office by an adult before 3PM.

Absences & Lates

When a student is absent or late for any reason, parents should report to the absence reporting online or call the office.

Nutrition Breaks

The Balanced Day timetable provides three 100 minute periods of instructional time, divided by two 40 minute Nutritional Breaks.  Nutrition breaks allow time for  eating and activity. Extra-curricular activities will take place during this time.


If you are interested please contact Mr. Breckels in the office. There are many opportunities with flexible schedules for which volunteering is available.

Field Trips

Parent involvement in field trips is another effective way of participating in your child’s learning.  Visiting sites outside the school can provide support to classroom program and extend student understanding and interest.   Details about each trip are sent to the parents of the students involved prior to the event.  Written parent permission is needed before a student can participate to ensure that you are aware of the timing and purpose. Verbal permission will not be accepted.  

Student Dress Code

Dress codes must be presented in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes. The Board believes students have a right to learn in a safe and caring space that is free of bias and discrimination, and that students have a right to respectfully express their individuality. To ensure learning environments are safe and respectful spaces, the Board has adopted a shared set of standards for student dress.

For more information click:

Student Health Needs

If your child requires medication at school (either on a regular basis or in case of an emergency) or if your child has a serious condition such as asthma or a life threatening allergy (peanut, bee sting, etc.), please contact the office. There are specific forms to be completed prior to the administration of medications. Please be aware that we have a number of students at Maplehurst who have a life threatening food allergies. We are requesting that our families refrain from sending any food with any nut products to school.  In addition, students are not to share food items with others in the school. 


Supervising teachers are on duty 15 minutes before entry time (9:00-9:15) and after the dismissal bell (3:35-3:50). The  playground is also supervised by staff during each of the nutrition breaks. Children should not be left unattended on school property before teacher supervision starts or after it ends.

Parking Lot

If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please do not enter the parking lot between 9:00 and 9:15. This is when buses need access to the turnaround. Staff are on duty to welcome students and supervise along the sidewalk. Family members are welcome to park in the neighbourhood and walk their student(s) to the back of the school along the sidewalk. 

School Council

The Maplehurst School Council, as defined by the Ministry of Education, is an advisory group of elected parents, educators and appointed community members whose role is to provide ideas and opinions to assist the Principal, and where appropriate, school board trustees in their decision making on educational issues. Maplehurst school council meetings are held on the first Monday of  the month and all parents are welcome to attend. Elections for voting member positions are held in September.