Bullying Prevention and Intervention Action Plan

2023 / 2024

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Action Plan Template 2023 / 2024

Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful society is a shared responsibility in which the board and our schools play an important role. Schools with bullying prevention and intervention strategies foster a positive learning and teaching environment that supports academic achievement for all students and that helps students reach their full potential. Bullying prevention and intervention strategies must be modeled by all members of the school community.

from HDSB Bullying Prevention and Intervention Administrative Procedure

Definition of Bullying

Bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a student where,

a)   the behaviour is intended, or the student ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to have that effect of,


b) the behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education.


Bullying behaviour includes the use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means. For the purposes of the definition of bullying, bullying by electronic means (commonly known as cyber-bullying), including, creating a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet; communicating material electronically to more than one individual or posting material on a web-site that may be accessed by one or more individuals

from Accepting Schools Act 2012


School                                                  Maplehurst PS

Principal or Vice Principal          Steve Breckels/Kelly Gray

Teacher                                                Kelly Beel

Non-Teaching Staff                        Kelly Lott

Parent                                                  Isabel Blackbird McMurrich (also Council Chair)

Community Partner                      Halton Police Department



Kelly Beel

Contact Email Address


Types of bullying that exist in our school

(as identified through school based data and information)

As reported in the last Tell Them From Me survey done by Grade 4-6 students:

5.3% of girls and 9.5% of boys reported that they did not feel safe at school.

As reported through the Have Your Say survey, 84% of students feel safe to be themselves.

47% of students report some type of bullying (National Average is 48%). 

Of those 47%, the following types of bullying were identified as most common:

Bullying Prevention and Awareness Strategies/Curricular Connections/Activities

(for whole school, and those students at risk of bullying behaviours)

*Direct instruction on appropriate social skills

*Explicit Teaching: What is bullying? What are strategies to solve bullying issues?

*School-wide activities to promote positive behaviour (e.g., Be Kind. Be Honest. Do Your Best.)

*Teach, model, and encourage self-regulation

*Student concerns and suggestions addressed as appropriate (e.g., community circles, class meetings)

*Provide engaging activities at nutritional breaks (e.g., sign out equipment, clubs, sports)

*Focus on kindness through The Good Path (Anishinaabe indigenous teachings)

*Instruction and awareness of positive and appropriate online social skills in junior classroom discussions

*Promotion of Anti-Bullying week

*Start Free 2 Be Me Club (a safe space for junior students to talk about their concerns)

Bullying Intervention and Support Strategies

(for individuals who cause harm, are impacted by harm and are witness to harm)

For all incidents:

* acknowledge and affirm feelings of victim

* gather information and ask questions

* assess severity and student safety

* make a plan and follow up

* utilize Discriminatory and Harmful Language Protocol (https://www.hdsb.ca/our-board/Pages/News/News-Description.aspx?NewsID=842)

Possible option to access when necessary:

* access school Social Worker

* access Child and Youth Counsellor

* access Community Officer for support

* use Collaborative Problem Solving

An integral part of the process is communication with both the victim’s and the bully’s families. A school support team comprised of staff (e.g., classroom teacher, administration, or support staff) will ensure that parents and students know what happened and how it is being handled. How actions have impacted not only the individuals but their families and school community/classmates as well will also be addressed.

Training Resources and Outreach Strategies for Members of the School Staff, Parents and Community

Safe and Inclusive Schools Policies and Procedures

Public Health resources

School Resource Team

School Safety and Well-Being meetings

HDSB system meetings as offered

Website and email communication with parent community

Bullying Prevention and Awareness Responsibilities for:


* provide for an inclusive learning environment through a variety of strategies (e.g., character education, TRIBES, CPS)

* post created “look-fors” in classrooms for respectful and inclusive behaviours

* teach, review and reinforce problem solving and “I Messages”

* actively engage students at nutritional breaks

* promote positive behaviours

* promote acceptance of all, regardless of differences


* demonstrate kindness to others

* use words to solve problems

* be accepting of others’ differences

* use “I Messages”


* contribute to a positive school climate through school and community events such as School Council, Open House, and Arts Performances

* reinforce positive approaches to problem solving in discussions with their children at home

* understand the difference between “bullying” and “conflict”

Monitoring and Review Process/Timelines

This plan has been shared with staff and parents via: 

Resources/Reference: Safe and Accepting Schools Policy

                                   HDSB Admin Procedure Bullying Prevention and Intervention 

                                   HDSB Admin Procedure Positive School Climate

                                   TTFM Survey

                                   Safe Schools Social Workers

                                   Public Health Nurses